Prof. David Sprinzak

Probing intercellular signaling at the nano scale level 



The development of a multicellular organism is a truly fantastic process. How genetically identical cells differentiate into distinct cell types in an accurate and reproducible manner remains one of the most important questions in biology. The long term goal of the lab is to elucidate the design principles of complex developmental programs underlying organized differentiation patterns. In particular, we are interested in


  1. How the properties of intercellular signaling pathways contribute to the development of tissues and organs.
  2. How do cellular mechanics and cellular morphology affect, and are affected by, regulatory processes within cells and signalingbetween cells.

To address these questions we use an interdisciplinary approach combining synthetic biology, quantitative imaging techniques, micropatterning technology, and mathematical models.


Projects in the lab include:

a.       Elucidating the interplay between Notch signaling and cell morphology

b.      Understanding the mechanisms underlying Planar Cell Polarity

c.       Studying the emergence of organization in the development of the mammalian inner ear


To read more please go to the lab website:


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