New User

The Jan Koum Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology equipment is located in several buildings, laboratories, and clean rooms

New User

To become a new user at the Jan Koum Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, we offer various working models:


  • Full Service: Ideal for companies seeking comprehensive assistance, including process development, design, and running the process to produce a prototype. Inquiries for this service can be directed to Dr. Valery Garber, the Nanocenter's CTO, copying Ortal Cohen-Tarasov for further details and pricing.


  • Specific Service: For those interested in specific technology services provided by our professional staff, please contact the respective tool owner or lab manager directly . Refer to the ownership table for contact details, and include information such as your name, company name, or advisor's full names, along with details about the samples and experiment goals.


  • Independent Work: If you plan to work independently in our clean rooms or using our machines, start by contacting Ortal Cohen-Tarasov to create a user profile. Once your work is approved, you will receive a new user and RFID for access.



Once you have a user, please follow the steps according to the service you require:


Clean Rooms >>


Glove Box >>


E-Beam Lithography Room >>


Material Characterization >>


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