Prof. Dinorah Friedmann-Morvinski

Biochemistry Molecular Biology


Research Interests

Our lab studies the mechanisms of cancer cell reprogramming and the contributions of the tumor microenvironment to this process. Using an integrative approach to study brain tumor (glioma)-specific neurobiology and oncobiology, the research in my lab currently explores the following directions:

  • Examining the parallel changes in oncogenesis and the induction of pluripotency
  • Elucidating the mechanisms involved in cancer cell plasticity
  • Understanding the molecular basis of tumor cell heterogeneity and the contribution of the tumor microenvironment
  • Identifying the molecular events involved in gliomagenesis
  • Designing novel therapeutic approaches combining adoptive immune gene therapy and nanotechnology



Our lab combines cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, cancer research, as well as advanced genome-wide techniques and microscopy.


To recapitulate human tumors in a mouse model, we use inducible-lentiviral vectors to introduce oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes in a cell-type and tissue specific manner.



Phone: 03-6409823

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