NMR Diffusion Measurements in Supramolecular Chemistry
- Supramolecular Systems in Solution; Applications of Diffusion NMR to Supramolecular Systems (Complexation, Structure Elucidation and Hydration);
- Hydrogen-Bond Molecular Capsules in Solution; Solution Host-Guest Chemistry;
- Synthesis and Applications of Target Specific MRI Contrast Agents;
- Applications of Diffusion MRI and MRS for Studying Brain Structure and Mechanisms of Brain Injury (Stroke, Trauma and other Neurological Disorders);
- q-Space diffusion MRI (QSI) of the Central nervous System (CNS);
- Double Pulsed-Field Gradient (d-PFG) NMR and MRI: From Model Systems to Imaging of the CNS: Gleaning Microstructural Information on Opaque and Neuronal Systems by d-PFG MRS and MRI.
- Cellular and Molecular MR imaging in the CNS.