The Fred Chaoul 12th Annual Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

19 February 2019, 9:00 
Dead Sea 

February 19-21, 2019, Hotel Daniel, Dead Sea

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Tanja Weil
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research


Prof. Nathan Gianneschi
Northwestern University

Workshop Chairs:
Lihi Adler-Abramovich (Medicine)
Haim Suchowski (Physics)


Speakers (Alphabetic list):
Roey Amir (Chemistry)
Zahava Barkay (Engineering)
Roy Beck - Barkai (Physics)
Itai Benhar (Life Sciences)
Moshe Ben Shalom (Physics)
Dafna Benayahu (Medicine)
Itzhak Binderman (Medicine)
Dudu Burstein (Life Sciences)
Yael Hanein (Engineering)
Yoav Lahini (Physics)
Ben Maoz (Engineering)
Iftach Yacoby (Life Sciences)



Video Recording


Best Posters will be Awarded by:


Poster Board Size: cm95Xcm230

Workshop Registration and Accommodation:

Online Registration 

Miri Cohen
Ortal Tour
Phone: 04-6661699


Additional Info:
Mickey (Michal) Shenhar
Phone: 03-6405618

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