Moonshot Research Seed Funding in Bio-Nanotechnology - Call for Proposals

February 28, 2023: Closing date for submission of proposals

Moonshot Research Seed Funding in Bio-Nanotechnology - Call for Proposals
Additional Info:

Tal Dvir,

Director, The Jan Koum Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,

Tel Aviv University



Dévora Grynspan,

Vice President for International Relations,

Northwestern University


Northwestern University (NU) and Tel Aviv University (TAU) are offering seed funding to promote joint research projects in Bio-Nanotechnology.


Researchers affiliated with each institution are invited to jointly submit proposals for the development of high-risk and innovative collaborative research projects.


  • Focus on new projects that are ambitious, collaborative, leading-edge, and innovative
  • At least one PI must be a junior faculty member
  • Successful joint proposals will receive up to a maximum of USD $100,000 each
  • A 2-page research plan is due February 28, 2023


More details here >>

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