Femtosecond Laser ELAS

Femtosecond Laser ELAS
Femtosecond Laser ELAS


Manufacturer and model:

ELAS femtosecond laser micromachining.



Our femto-second laser system is designed for high-precision micromachining, utilizing ultra-short laser pulses, advanced positioning stages, and cutting-edge optics. The ELAS femtosecond laser micromachining workstation, part of the MASTER series, ensures minimal heat-affected zones while maximizing spatial precision. With femto-second laser tool capabilities, it enables direct sublimation of various materials with exceptional accuracy.

This femto-second laser machine is ideal for applications requiring micro-structuring, cutting, and drilling at a nanometric scale. Our femto-second laser service provides researchers and industry professionals access to state-of-the-art laser technology for complex material processing.

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