Summer School 2022 - Quantum Materials Design by vdW Stacking, Sliding and Twisting

June 12 - 15, 2022 | Tel-Aviv University

Summer School 2022
Tel Aviv University Nano Center Summer School 2022 - Quantum Materials Design by vdW Stacking, Sliding and Twisting


Tel Aviv University Nano Center Summer School 2022 would like encourage and support graduated foreign students to attend the meeting. Selected students will be supported up to 4 nights accommodation.


Requests should include:

  1. CV of the PhD Students
  2. PI Recommendation Letter​


Application should be sent to:

Mickey Shenhar

Project Manager

Email address:



  • Foreign students that would like to meet Nano Researcher, are invited to notify us, and we will do our utmost efforts to schedule a meeting.
  • If any further assistance is required, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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