RIE Oerlicon

RIE Oerlicon
RIE Oerlicon


Manufacturer and model:

Oerlikon 790 Reactive Ion Etcher.



Our reactive ion etching (RIE) machine provides high-precision plasma etching for insulators, semimetals, and semiconductor materials. Using advanced reactive ion etching tools, this system enables controlled material removal with minimal surface damage, making it ideal for microfabrication and nanotechnology applications.


The 790 series RIE tool is specifically designed for processes such as pattern transfer, thin-film structuring, and selective material etching. Its ability to work with silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, and various polymers ensures versatility across research and industrial applications.


With our dry etching capability, users can achieve superior feature resolution, anisotropic etching profiles, and high selectivity between materials. This dry etch tool is essential for fabricating microelectronic devices, MEMS structures, and optical components, providing precise and repeatable results.


Our reactive ion etching system supports multiple process gases and RF power control, allowing for optimized etching conditions tailored to specific materials and design requirements. Whether in semiconductor manufacturing, photonics, or advanced materials research, our dry etch machine delivers exceptional performance and reliability.

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