Electron Microscopy

TAU.nano offers advanced electron microscopy capabilities, including TEM, FIB, and HRSEM, to facilitate groundbreaking research and innovation in nanotechnolog


HRSEM ZEISS Gemini 300


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HRSEM ZEISS Gemini 300

Dual Beam FIB and HR-SEM, Helios 5 UC


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Dual Beam FIB and HR-SEM, Helios 5 UC

APREO HRSEM with Cathodoliminescence


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APREO HRSEM with Cathodoliminescence

Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)


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Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)

Talos F200i S/TEM


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TEM Talos F200i

Spectra 200 S/TEM


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TEM Spectra


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