Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM).

Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope



  • Source: Schottky emitter field emission gun.
  • Voltage: 200 V to 30 kV.
  • Beam current: up to100 nA.
  • Detectors: SE (secondary electron) ET detector for high vacuum mode, BSE (backscattered electron) detector, STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron) detector, LFD (Large field detector) for low vacuum mode, GSED (Gaseous secondary electron detector) for wet-mode.
  • Resolution:  ≤2 nm gold particle separation on a carbon substrate at 30 kV in high vacuum and ESEM.
  • Operating modes: ≤3.5 nm at 3 kV in low vacuum mode.
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